Golf Course Maintenace

March 26, 2020


To: Whom This May Concern 

Subject: Golf Course Maintenance

Date: 26 March 2020

From: Mr Grant Hepburn C.E.O. Golf RSA

In terms of the Government Notice regarding the Regulations published by Government Notice 318 of 18 March 2020, and the subsequent “Amendment of Regulations Issued in Terms of Section 27(2), the following applies:

In accordance with 11B relating to the Restriction on the movement of persons and goods and in particular, points (2), (3) and (4) of this Section, it is permissible for Golf Clubs to determine, assign and provide documentation to designated essential maintenance staff for the purpose of performing essential maintenance duties on the golf course during the lockdown as announced by the State.

This permission is based on the Regulations printed as mentioned above with regard to 11B (4) and Annexure D of the attached document which makes provision for the heads of Institutions to determine essential services relating to security and maintenance of amongst other things, places or premises normally open to the public for sporting activities.

It is essential to note;

  1. Provisions under this clause do NOT allow for the use of these facilities for the playing of golf or any other purpose.
  2. Employers remain obligated under all other requirements of the provisions of essential services including the requirements for transport as per the Regulations.
  3. All Health and Safety requirements including required Social Distancing practices are to be observed.
  4. The attached “proforma permit” is to be completed by the Club Manager / CEO and must be stamped by the club.

In providing this information, we rely on the content of the Regulations which have been published to date and continue to ask the authorities for confirmation of the same.

Please note that the provision of the above does not provide any guarantees that assigned staff will not be stopped by authorities but we believe that the attached documentation will be the basis for presentation to the authorities under these regulations.

GolfRSA remains adamant that the provisions of this mail are applicable to “critical” staff only and that in no way does GolfRSA condone, for any reason, the non-observance of any other conditions relevant to the Nationwide “lockdown”. For this reason, GolfRSA remains of the opinion that the assignment of “essential staff” should remain to be no more than 15% of a clubs normal staff contingent. Clubs should not try and do their hollowtinning and catch up maintenance during this time. It will be a flagrant disregard of the purpose of the lockdown and it will be unlawful.

Yours Sincerely

Grant Hepburn – CEO GolfRSA

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