
General Manager Position Available

Job Description Overview To lead and manage all aspects of Elements Private Golf Reserve on behalf of the Owners and the Board of Trustees. Reports to the Board of Trustees. Duties & Responsibilities: To provide leadership and guidance to each of the Department Managers To establish accurate daily, weekly and monthly reporting procedures as required

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Sesambos Open 2020

It has been a long time coming. Morne Myburgh wins his first open event in Limpopo and did it in style in front of great friends and competition. Sesambos Open is traditionally a 2-day event with some great camaraderie, spirit and food on the menu for the weekend typically. On arrival seeing the Limpopo river

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Marble Hall Open 2020

The dominating performance by some of the more experience mid-amateur players in the field showed what the newly opened Marble Hall Golf Course expected of a player. With the winning score coming from Limpopo Mid-Amateur Niko Koster on level par 72, he was the leader in the clubhouse for the whole day until the second

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Elebula Open 2020

What a tournament, what great venues and what great hospitality. COVID-19 regulations forced LGU to run the event as two separate events. But we still play for that one trophy. This tournament, that has only started in 2019, has already doubled in size in 2020. Yes the people were hungry for golf but also the

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GolfRSA CEO Grant Hepburn’s interview on RSG

The South African golf industry, like so many others, has been hard hit by the COVID-19 Corona Virus pandemic that has resulted in a government-mandated country-wide lockdown. In this interview that was broadcast recently on RSG, GolfRSA CEO Grant Hepburn discusses some of the challenges faced by the golf industry in South Africa and the

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GolfRSA announces measures in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

CAPE TOWN, 13 April 2020 – In recognition of the extremely difficult circumstances facing the South African golf industry during the current COVID-19 crisis and country-wide lockdown, GolfRSA has taken measures to reduce costs. GolfRSA has cancelled a number of national events due to the ongoing Corona Virus crisis. Following internal discussions, the staff and

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Golf Course Maintenace

MEMORANDUM To: Whom This May Concern  Subject: Golf Course Maintenance Date: 26 March 2020 From: Mr Grant Hepburn C.E.O. Golf RSA In terms of the Government Notice regarding the Regulations published by Government Notice 318 of 18 March 2020, and the subsequent “Amendment of Regulations Issued in Terms of Section 27(2), the following applies: In accordance with 11B

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Newsletter January 2020

Newsletter January 20, 2020 2020 Greetings to all our members at all the various clubs in the Limpopo Province. We as the Limpopo Golf Union Executive wish everyone a prosperous 2020 and may every golf club grow from strength to strength. We wish for every golfer that has stopped playing to pick up their clubs

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SAGDB Celebrates 20 years

SAGDB celebrates 20 years of growing golf in South Africa View the SAGDB 20-year anniversary video on the GolfRSA YouTube account or click here: 16 December 2019 – What started as one man’s dream to take the game to the people at grass-roots level has grown and blossomed, and this year, the South African Golf

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Meet our new Executive


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